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  • Opening of safes

    Home » Opening of safes

    Opening of safes

    Home » Opening of safes

    Safes are the safest place to hide and store valuables. They are durable, fireproof, and also protect things from light, which is important, for example, when storing documents. This is why many people choose safes to store jewelry, paper and money. Since safes are used to store valuables, their locks and structures are designed to be as secure as possible. This causes problems when safes get stuck, their locks break, or access keys and codes disappear. Then you need to call special masters, for whom opening safes is a common thing.

    For M-Lux specialists, opening safes can be a time-consuming process, especially when opening is required for fire-resistant safes, safes with very thick metal and combination locks. To open safes, you need tools that allow you to access the locks built into the safe, even through narrow slots and keyholes. While the right tools are only part of the success, it is also important for the specialist  to know the design of safes and to be able to feel the smallest details of the lock without even seeing them.

    When unlocking safes, specialists  listen to the sounds of the safe, try to catch the nuances of the lock and work as carefully as possible to find the right way to open the lock. Since valuables are stored in the safe, this makes the specialist  work with extreme caution so that the contents of the safe are not damaged when opening. The safe is also damaged as little as possible by trying to open the locks through small slots without making too many holes or cuts in the safe’s case. Safes are not only durable, but also valuable and expensive to replace, especially for built-in safes, so the specialist always tries to make sure that locksmithing the safe does not cause unnecessary additional damage, and the safe can be used even after completion of work.

    Sometimes SOS services are needed because the safe access code has been forgotten. Then the masters can also reprogram the lock by setting a new access code in the safe. All you need before opening and reprogramming the safe is confirmation from the owner that the safe belongs to him. As soon as the masters are convinced of the identity of the owner, they will immediately proceed to the locksmithing so that you can get access to your most valuable things again as soon as possible.

    Of course, when working with safes, if you need to open safes, the most important thing is to choose reliable specialists , like experts in opening M-Lux safes, who will not only do the job quickly and efficiently, but also appreciate the security of your safe and data. Regardless of what type of safe you use and what kind of damage delays opening the safe, craftsmen will find the best solution and provide immediate assistance. The duration of the work will vary depending on the safety level of the safe and the degree of damage, but the work will definitely not last more than a few hours. On the same day, you can use the safe again!

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